
Board of Aldermen Rules of Order

Pursuant to Missouri statutes, fourth class cities may enact rules and regulations to govern its proceedings and the transaction of business. On August 4, 2015, the Board of Aldermen Rules of Order were adopted and are amended by resolution as needed.

Board of Aldermen Rules of Order

A few rules in the meeting process that may affect you as a citizen:

  • Public Comments
    • Citizen Input – items not listed on regular agenda
      • Limited to 3 minutes, unless waived at discretion of the Mayor.
      • To be listed on the agenda, must submit to the City Clerk by noon on the day of the meeting your name, address and subject of comments, along with any documentation.
      • Youth civic/service members are exempt from notice requirement and will be recognized during Citizen Input.
    • Action Items – items listed on the Action Agenda
      • Allowed during discussion of all action items.
      • At Mayor’s discretion, may be limited to 3 minutes or Mayor may limit total time devoted to comment provided that both sides are allowed equal time.
    • After being recognized by the Mayor, citizen shall go to podium and state his/her name, address and group he/she is representing (if applicable).
    • The names, addresses and a general overview of the public comments will be entered in the minutes.
    • Unless unusual circumstances dictate otherwise, the Board of Aldermen will not make a decision on an issue(s) presented by an individual or group during that particular meeting, but may refer any item to staff for action or additional analysis
  • Ordinances
    • The first and second readings will be read on the action agenda, with the second and final reading at the next subsequent meeting, unless the item is a time-sensitive matter in which it may be approved during the same meeting, if authorized by the City Administrator.
    • The second and final reading of an ordinance must be approved by a roll call vote in order to record the ayes and nays in the minutes, as required per RSMo §79.130.
    • Require favorable votes by a majority of the elected board members (five members) and must be read by title twice before passage.
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