Parkville Missouri

Bell Road Pedestrian Improvements

NW Bell Road is a 0.9 mile-long two-lane corridor, with significant improvement potential, that runs north-south from Highway 45 to Hamilton Street. The pedestrian improvements project will focus on safety and sidewalk improvements and landscaping for stormwater management. The City contracted with McClure for transportation engineering services on the project.

The first public engagement session was held on September 26, 2024, at Parkville City Hall. Feedback from the session will be included with feedback through the online survey.

Click here to complete the online survey or scan the QR code below.

Bell Road Open House Flyer

Budget Breakdown

  • Construction cost estimate: $1,004,186
  • Additional costs: $700,263
  • Total estimated project cost: $1,704,449
  • Grant funding awarded: $750,000 (Transportation Alternatives Program federal funding through Mid-America Regional Council)
  • City’s estimated cost (total project costs – grant funding awarded): $954,449



The senior Urban Planning and Design studio at the University of Missouri – Kansas City collaborated with the City to develop a proposal for the corridor’s future. The process involved a comprehensive analysis of the corridor’s existing conditions and a review of the City’s plans, including the Parkville Master Plan 2040. For the corridor’s future development, the project adopted the complete streets concept to create safe corridor environments for all road users. The proposal in this report includes recommended future land use and road improvements along the corridor. The roadway improvements includes a complete streets design, roundabouts, and green infrastructure.

NW Bell Road Complete Streets Plan