
Application for the “No Visit List”

The No Visit List is provided to all applicants who receive a soliciting/peddling permit (also to canvassers) issued by the City and only includes the address of the residence or business. The City will verify your Parkville residency prior to adding the address to the No Visit List. If you are not a Parkville resident within city limits, visit your city’s or Platte County’s website for peddler, solicitor and canvasser regulations.

Current No Visit List (PDF link)

No Visit List

Residents and businesses can submit an application for their address to be added to the "No Visit List" for solicitors, peddlers and canvassers.

  • By entering my name above, I hereby request that the following residential or business address be added to the City’s “No Visit List.” I understand that the City will verify my Parkville residency prior to adding my name to the list. Note: If you are not a resident, visit your city's or Platte County's website for peddler, solicitor and canvasser regulations.
  • Your email address will only be used as a method of contact if there is an issue with the application. You will not be placed on any other email list.

By clicking on “Submit My Request” above, I hereby confirm that I am the owner/leaser of the above residential property or business and give permission to accept visits or receive handbills only from those checked above. I also understand that only my address will be provided to canvassers, solicitors and/or peddlers on the “No Visit List” and that the list is available to the public for inspection and copying.

Note: The No Visit List will be updated each time a new submissions is received. The most recent copy will be given to solicitors/peddlers/canvassers at the time of application. If your name was added to the No Visit List after the permit was approved, the solicitor/peddler/canvasser may not have your address on their printed list. Because the list is updated daily, the City will do our best to ensure that all solicitors/peddlers/canvassers have the most current list. If you have someone come to your door, ask for their permit first. If they do not have a permit, please call the Police Department.

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