
City Accepting Applications for Parkville Citizens’ Academy

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At the 2025 State of the City Address, Mayor Katerndahl introduced the Parkville Citizens’ Academy, a free, seven-week interactive program designed to provide an opportunity for residents to engage and learn more about the roles the City, and other related services provided by outside agencies, play in their everyday lives. The course schedule will focus on the process of City Government and how residents can impact the decisions made within each department – working together with our partners in the community. The City of Parkville is looking for interested Parkville residents who would like to participate in the Citizens’ Academy.

Each session will feature speakers and information showcasing the City’s departments – what they do and how they work for you. The goal is that participants will leave with a better understanding of how their City works, build relationships with other leaders in the community, and feel better informed as a citizen.

One of the many reasons why citizens may be interested in the Academy is an interest to learn more about City services, as well as interest in serving on City boards, commissions, and committees. The hope is to identify new leaders in the community and enhance citizen participation within the community.

The Academy is limited to 14 participants per class in order to remain informal and allow for questions and responses. It will kick-off on at Parkville City Hall Thursday, July 31 and will conclude with a reception with the Board of Aldermen on September 16. All sessions will be held from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and the locations may vary.

Parkville residents are encouraged to apply on the City’s website at The deadline for applications is Friday, July 11, 2025. Applicants are asked to commit to at least four of the seven sessions.

Class topics will include:

  • Session 1 Commencement, Board of Aldermen, Administration & Finance: Participants will be introduced to City officials, learn about the structure of the City and the City’s goals and learn more about the academy. There is also be a review of the relationship between the Board of Aldermen and City Administration and the role of volunteer boards and commissions. Participants will also learn about the Finance and Administration departments, as well as the functions of the City Clerk, and find out more about how the City budgets for the work that needs to be done.
  • Session 2 Parks and Recreation: Participants will learn about parks and recreation services provided, as well as the amenities provided by the City, and take a tour of the parks.
  • Session 3 Community Development and Economic Development: Participants will learn about the functions of the Community Development Department, the development process from start to finish, and how economic development and Parkville PACE is involved. At the end of the session, participants will better understand the involvement of the City’s review boards and how public input is received and considered.
  • Session 4 Public Works: Participants will learn about the structure of public works, from street and curb/sidewalk maintenance, recycling programs, snow plowing, street sweeping and sanitary sewers, and take a tour of related facilities and the sewer plant.
  • Session 5 Public Safety: Participants will learn about the Police Department’s philosophy on keeping peace in Parkville, coordinating with Platte County and other jurisdictions and emergency management. Representatives from the Southern Platte Fire Protection District and AMR will also provide information about their services.
  • Session 6 Community Education: Participants will learn about education opportunities in Parkville from representatives of Park University and Park Hill School District.
  • Session 7 Graduation: Participants will attend a Board of Aldermen meeting to be recognized for their participation.


Mayor Katerndahl said, “We are excited to launch the Citizens’ Academy, an initiative that has been a key priority for the Board over the past few years. As we continue to explore new ways to improve communication and foster more engagement, this program offers a unique opportunity to strengthen the connection between the City and its residents. By providing residents with a deeper understanding of local governance and civic operations, we aim to create more informed and active participants in shaping our community’s future.”

For more information, contact Parkville City Hall, City Administrator Alexa Barton or City Clerk Melissa McChesney at (816) 741-7676.


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