Board of Aldermen Meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of each month at approximately 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room located on the first floor of City Hall. The public is invited to attend all regular Board meetings; if you would like to speak contact the City Clerk by noon on the day of the Board meeting. If you have an agenda item request, contact the City Clerk by noon on the Thursday prior to the Tuesday meeting. Any items or requests received after the deadline will be added to the next Board meeting agenda.
Get to know the Mayor and Board of Aldermen
Board of Aldermen Rules of Order (PDF link)
Pursuant to Missouri state law, the Board of Aldermen of a fourth class city may enact rules and regulations to govern its own proceedings and the transaction of its business. These rules, therefore, having been adopted by the Board of Aldermen in 2015, are intended to guide the efforts of its members, acting collectively, in conducting the business of the City. These rules are intended to facilitate, and not obstruct the conduct of business by providing an orderly and consistent framework for conducting such meetings. They preserve the rights of all to fully participate in the proceedings and assist in an orderly discussion. These rules shall apply to all official proceedings conducted by the Board of Aldermen, in all its capacities, except those proceedings which by law requires a different procedure.
The meeting information is listed below. To view prior meetings, hover over the meeting and scroll up or select a date or date range in the calendar below the meetings list.
Meeting Archives (June 2020-prior)
Staff is currently working on uploading the meeting documents into the new Laserfiche system. If you would like to see meeting materials not available through the portal, please visit our Documents Portal (external link) or e-mail the City Clerk. Video archives (external link) are available online.