The Parkville Citizens’ Academy is a free, seven-week program designed to provide an opportunity for Parkville residents to engage and learn more about the role the City plays in their everyday lives, with a specified course schedule focused on the process of City Government and how residents can impact the decisions made within each department. The goal is that residents will come away with a better understanding of how the City works, build relationships with other leaders in the community, and feel better informed as a citizen.
Each session will showcase the City’s departments – what they do and how they work for you – and some sessions will also include outside agencies that provide related services. Participants will engage in presentations, activities, and exercises. The program includes tours of City facilities and each session allows time for questions and answers.
The Fall 2025 session starts on Thursday, July 31. Sessions are from 6-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.
Click below for the academy schedule, requirements and the online application.
The Academy sessions will be held on Thursdays, 6-8:30 p.m., July 31-September 11 with graduation at the Tuesday, September 16 Board of Aldermen meeting
- Thursday, July 31: Administration (city form of government overview), Finance and City Clerk – City Hall Board Room, 8880 Clark Avenue
- Thursday, August 7: Parks & Recreation – Meet at City Hall, 8880 Clark Avenue (south doors) for parks tour
- Thursday, August 14: Community Development, PACE: Economic Development – City Hall Board Room, 8880 Clark Avenue
- Thursday, August 21: Public Works: Operations, Engineering, Stormwater and Sewer – Meet at City Hall, 8880 Clark Avenue (south doors) for tour of public works facility and sewer plant
- Thursday, August 28: Public Safety: Police, Southern Platte Fire Protection District, AMR – City Hall Board Room, 8880 Clark Avenue
- Thursday, September 11: Education: Park Hill School District, Park University – City Hall Board Room, 8880 Clark Avenue
- Tuesday, September 16: Graduation – Board of Aldermen meeting at City Hall Board Room, 8880 Clark Avenue
- Light snacks will be provided at each Thursday session
*schedule subject to change
- The Academy is free, but is limited to 14 attendees. Class size is limited due to the desire to remain informal and allow for questions and responses.
- Participants must live within the Parkville city limits.
- Participants must attend at least four of the sessions and the September 16 Board of Aldermen meeting to successfully complete the program and receive a certificate.
If you are a Parkville resident interested in applying, please complete the Program Application. The deadline for accepting applications is July 11, 2025, and space is limited. Applicants are asked to commit to attending at least four of the seven meetings.
For questions, contact City Administrator Alexa Barton or City Clerk Melissa McChesney at (816) 741-7676.