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The City contracted with SWT Design to create a Parks & Recreation Master Plan. To-date, the Plan was discussed at the following:
- 2025
- March 19 – Community meeting to review key data insights and help shape focus area recommendations for the Parks & Recreation Department.
- February 18 – Joint Board of Aldermen and Community Land & Recreation Board work session to review survey results.
- 2024
- October – Community survey mailed to Parkville residents
- June 20 – First public open house, the first of several open houses/meetings to be held throughout the planning process.
- May 7 – Board of Aldermen approved moving forward with the base building and not planning for a future enclosure.
- April 30 – Joint Board of Aldermen and Community Land & Recreation Board to review final design options.
- March 19 – Joint Board of Aldermen and Community Land & Recreation Board work session to kick-off the project.

The 2016 Parks Master Plan was adopted by the Board of Aldermen on November 15, 2016. It was created to provide a road map for the utilization, development and expansion of Parkville’s current and future park system. Since the adoption of the 2008 Parkville Parks Plan, many of the original objectives have been accomplished; notably, the parks and open space along the Missouri River corridor more than doubled with the opening of Platte Landing Park in the summer of 2014 which includes a new boat ramp, the county’s first off-leash dog park and a recreational trail.
The purpose of this project was to update the existing 2008 Plan with specific emphasis on the riverfront parks corridor, notably the intersection of Platte Landing Park and the western portion of English Landing Park. The primary goal was to re-examine community priorities for the riverfront parks and document a long-term strategy for park development that has mutual support from the City and County.
2016 Parks Master Plan (external link)