
City Uses Grant Funds to Improve Sullivan Nature Sanctuary

Three women on Arbor Day planting tree at Sullivan Nature Sanctuary

Through a Community Conservation Cost-Share Program grant from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), the Parkville Parks & Recreation Department completed its plan in the Sullivan Nature Sanctuary to prevent erosion along Rush Creek, improve soil health, increase understory biodiversity and promote wildlife habitat that compliments recreational use. Last October, a total of 54 trees […]

City Fireworks Ordinance

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In Parkville, fireworks can be discharged from June 28-June 30, July 1-3 and July 5 from 10 a.m. through 10 p.m.  and on July 4 between 10 a.m. and midnight. This includes ground devices as described in RSMo 320.106(2) containing no more than 50 mg of explosive composition and classified as Class C explosives by […]

July is Parks & Recreation Month!

Since 1985, people in the United States have celebrated Park and Recreation Month in July to promote building strong, vibrant and resilient communities through the power of parks and recreation. To celebrate, we are offering a variety of free activities all month long, including Art in the Park, yoga and nature hikes, story time, Science […]

Parks & Recreation Master Plan Website Live

Parks and Recreation Master Plan graphic

We would love to hear from you! Residents and visitors to our parks can provide feedback, view the schedule and stay up-to-date with activities related to the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. Visit our Social Pinpoint site to share your thoughts with us!

Parks Master Plan Open House

Parks & Recreation and SWT Design will hold an open house event for the parks master plan update on Thursday, June 20 from 4-7 p.m. in English Landing Park.

City Uses Grant Funds to Remove Hazardous Trees in the Parks

Crews trim and remove hazardous trees in English Landing Park

With assistance from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) through its Community Conservation Cost-Share Program, the City of Parkville completed its plan to remove and trim hazardous trees in the English Landing Park and Platte Landing Park. With the aid of bucket trucks and tree climbers, 25 hazardous trees were removed and 33 trees were […]

City Adopts Parkville ADA Transition Plan

Visit to downtown Parkville for ADA Transition Plan grant application

The City of Parkville is committed to providing equal access to its public programs, services, facilities and activities for all citizens, including those with disabilities. On March 19, the Board of Aldermen adopted the City of Parkville Transition Plan to help move forward with planning in accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title II […]

City Launches Citizen Reporting Tool Powered by SeeClickFix

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The City of Parkville partnered with SeeClickFix to launch a new platform that allows citizens to easily report non-emergency issues, request services and provide feedback to City staff. Requests can be submitted on a phone through the mobile app or on a computer through the City’s website. Residents and visitors can report non-emergency issues, including […]

Phelan Receives Certified Playground Safety Inspector Certification

The City of Parkville is pleased to announce that Travis Phelan received his certification as a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI) from the National Park and Recreation Association. Travis is the City’s first employee to receive the certification. The National Recreation and Park Association offers the industry-leading certification program in playground safety. CPSI is a […]