Parkville Missouri

City Projects

Park Projects | Road Projects | Community Development Projects

The City has several large projects in the works. More information about each project is available through the links below:


Click the Park Projects link for more information about large projects in the City’s parks.


Bell Road Pedestrian Improvements

NW Bell Road is a 0.9 mile-long two-lane corridor, with significant improvement potential, that runs north-south from Highway 45 to Hamilton Street.

Route 9 Corridor Complete Streets Improvements
The improvements project includes sections of Route 9 from 4th Street south to the Park College Entrance Drive and from S. Crooked Road and FF Highway (Mill Street) west to the Route 9 intersection.
Downtown Wayside Horns
Approximately 36 trains per day travel through downtown Parkville. Over the years merchants, residents and visitors have expressed concerns about the level of train noise downtown. Wayside horns were determined to be a feasible option to reduce train noise downtown.


Architectural Standards and Landscape & Site Design Standards

The City has been reviewing and updating its building architectural design standards and landscape and site design standards.