Parkville Missouri

Architectural Design Standards

The City of Parkville has been reviewing and updating its building architectural design standards and landscape and site design standards.

  • The draft of the landscape and site design standards presented at a joint work session with the Board of Aldermen and Planning & Zoning Commission on August 20.
  • The final draft presented at a joint work session with the Board of Aldermen and Planning & Zoning Commission on June 4.
  • The draft design presented to the Steering Committee (Planning & Zoning Commission) on May 14.


Chapter 403 Applications & Procedures outlines the various applications for development (ex: major site plan, minor site plan, preliminary development plan, and final development plan) and requirements for approval, including meeting all development and design standards. The applicable review body — as designated on Table 403-1: Procedures Summary — is responsible for making determinations of compliance to the Development Code.

Currently, design and performance standards only exist for three special zoning districts:

  1. “OTD” Old Town District (see Section 406.010, Subsection E.)
  2. “R-4” Mixed-Density Residential (see Section 406.020, Subsection B. and Subsection D.)
  3. “BP” Business Park District (see Section 406.030, Subsection B.)


For remaining zoning districts throughout the community, the applicable review body has to consider whether, “The architecture and building design uses quality materials and the style is appropriate for the context considering the proportion, massing, and scale of different elements of the building.” Because this language is nonspecific and subjective, the City desires to develop a cohesive set of Architectural Design Standards for the community in order to encourage high-quality development and redevelopment. Establishing standards will also provide clarity to property owners, developers, City staff and members of the Planning and Zoning Commission.