Parkville Missouri

Route 9 Corridor Study

The Study was adopted by the Board of Aldermen on January 5, 2016.

Route 9 is regionally significant, connecting vehicular and pedestrian traffic on Route 45 to employment centers and regional destinations including downtown Parkville, Park University, the Horizons, over 200 acres of parkland, the South Platte County Community Center and the Platte County Health Department. The purpose of the Route 9 Corridor Study was to create an implementation plan that addresses the following key priorities for the project partners:

  • Determine needed vehicular and pedestrian improvements to mitigate safety and capacity issues, and minimize traffic conflicts, on Route 9.
  • Enhance aesthetics and pedestrian movements, particularly in proximity to downtown Parkville and Park University.
  • Accommodate compatible new development and redevelopment along the corridor.
  • Reduce future construction costs by facilitating the reservation of right-of-way for future improvements.
  • Position the participating municipalities to compete in future transportation grant cycles for eligible improvements in the corridor


Final Report

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