
City-Supported Initiatives

Since 2017, the City of Parkville has supported several local initiatives.

KC Communities for All Ages Initiative

Parkville is proud to be working with KC Communities for All Ages Initiative. Parkville has committed to become intentional in our approach and response to the anticipated increase of older adults. With boomers aging and millennials coming into adulthood, it is time to reevaluate the role that suburbs play in housing and serving the American population.


Buckle-Up Phone Down

The City accepted the Missouri Department of Transportation’s challenge to join the Buckle Up-Phone Down movement to challenge everyone to buckle up safety belts when getting into a vehicle and put cell phones down while driving.

The City’s personnel policy requires all employees driving a City-owned vehicle or operating equipment, driving on City business or performing similar duties to use a hands-free device in emergency situations or pull the car off the road and into a safe place before making or receiving a phone call or sending a text. The policy also requires that all City employees must wear seat belts when operating or riding in City vehicles or on City business.

Tobacco 21

On November 1, 2017, the City became the second in Platte County to adopt an ordinance prohibiting the sale of tobacco-related products to minors under the age of 21 years. As part of a regional initiative called Tobacco21|KC, launched in 2015, dozens across the Kansas City region adopted regulations to increase the minimum age to purchase tobacco products, e-cigarettes, vapor products and related paraphernalia to 21 years. To-date, cities in the metro area, totaling a population of nearly 1.5 million, have adopted the regulations.


A Better KCI

In July 2017 the Board of Aldermen adopted a resolution supporting the new single terminal plan for the Kansas City International Airport. A new single terminal airport was approved by the Kansas City, Missouri city council to develop a new terminal to replace the “A” terminal and turn the “B” terminal into parking. The new terminal will be the “front door to the world”, promoting Kansas City as a Major League City as a top destination for business, travel and people. KCI is located in Platte County and is a major economic driver of the county and has a major impact on jobs and tax revenues that support county residents, including residents of Parkville.

U.S. 169 Buck O’Neil/Broadway Bridge

The Broadway Bridge is over the Missouri River on U.S. Highway 169 and the north loop of I-70 that serves Parkville and other Northland residents who use it on their daily commutes into and through downtown Kansas City, Missouri. In May 2017, the Board of Aldermen adopted a resolution of support for funding for a new bridge that would better serve Parkville residents, northland communities and the Kansas City metropolitan area.

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