Parkville Missouri

5K/10K Event Information


Event Guidelines
Contact Brittanie Propes at (816) 741-7676 with any questions.

Volunteer Requirements (Corresponds with map below):

  1. Busch & McAfee: At start of race, direct all racers toward Main St. Direct 5K racers toward finish line after 1st lap and 10K racers straight to continue 2nd  Also keep vehicle traffic out of the race.
  2. Parking lot entrance west of low-water-bridge: Hold all vehicles exiting parking lot while racers are on McAfee.
  3. East Street & McAfee: Hold all vehicle traffic off of McAfee while racers are on McAfee.
  4. Main Street & McAfee: Direct all runners to turn south on Main St. to stay on course. Hold all vehicle traffic off of course until racers are clear of roadway.
  5. Main Street & North end of Grigsby Field: Direct racers to stay on right side of roadway. Also turn 10K 2nd lap racers to run around Grigsby Field. Hold all vehicles off of race course while racers are in the area.
  6. 300 block of Main St. (Trail crossing): Direct all racers running southbound on Main St. to turn north onto Platte Landing Trail. Direct 2nd lap 10K racers coming from the river trail to turn north onto Main St. Hold all vehicle traffic while racers are in the area.
  7. Boat ramp in Platte Landing Park: Hold any vehicle traffic off of boat ramp while racers are crossing. Direct racers to continue onto trail.
  8. Platte Landing Park trail turn for 10K 2nd lap: Direct all racers toward English Landing Park, and 2nd lap 10K racers around Grigsby Field.
  9. West side of A-trust Bridge: Direct all racers across bridge to English Landing Park. Hold non-racers off bridge while racers are crossing bridge.
  10. East side of A-trust Bridge: Direct all racers to turn toward the course along the river. Hold non-racers off of bridge while racers are crossing bridge.
  11. English Landing Park: Direct all racers to turn north on course. Hold non-racers off course while racers pass.
  12. English Landing Park: Direct all racers to turn west on course. Hold non-racers off the course while racers pass.

 Race notes:

  • Stay on designated course.
  • Use marked 5K/ 10K start/ finish line in front of McKeon stage.
  • Start both races at the same time for one mass start.
  • Volunteers need to know their assignments and know to hold vehicle traffic and non-racers off course when racers are passing.
  • Volunteers need to be identified with reflective vest and hand flag, if positioned on a roadway.
  • Place all directional arrows, mile markers, and signage on course prior to start of the race.

5K 10K map