Parkville Missouri

Mayor Dean Katerndahl

Dean Katerndahl was elected as Mayor in April 2022 to a three-year term. He currently serves on the Finance Committee.

Before his election, he served more than 14 years on the Parkville Planning & Zoning Commission and served over 12 years as its chair. Dean also worked with the old town residential neighborhood association (POPNA) to develop development standards for the neighborhood in order to maintain the character of the community. These standards were incorporated in the new Zoning Code when it was adopted several years ago. Dean is also on the board of AHH, a homeless organization operating in several counties.

Dean Katerndahl was director of the Government Innovations Forum at the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) until retiring in 2015. MARC is the Kansas City region’s council of governments and metropolitan planning organization. This work involved working with city managers, planning directors and other city and county officials on a wide variety of joint projects across cities and counties. Since retiring, Dean continues to do consultant work with the organization. Dean has degrees in physics and nuclear engineering and a PhD in urban sociology from the University of Kansas.

Dean Katerndahl has been a resident of Parkville since 2005 and lives on Main Street. He and his wife, Marcia, have a son, Casey, who is a cancer research scientist with Washington University in St. Louis

State of the City Addresses


City Hall
8880 Clark Avenue
Parkville, MO 64152
(816) 741-7676
Fax: (816) 741-0013

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