
Route 9 Downtown Improvements

Check out the Redefine Route 9 Project Page and share your thoughts on improvements you would like to see!

Redefine Route 9 flyer share input through online survey graphic

In 2016, the Board of Aldermen adopted the Route 9 Corridor Study that contains preliminary engineering designs for multi-modal improvements for 12 project segments from Highway 45 to Mattox Road in Riverside. Completed segments include Route 9 from Highway 45 to Lakeview Drive and Route 9 at the intersection of 6th Street.

The next segments the City is focusing on are downtown from 4th Street south and to the Park University entrance and from the downtown triangle along 1st Street to Mill Street and west to S. Crooked Road. The project will improve pedestrian and vehicular safety and mobility. Improvements will include new crosswalks, a traffic signal, more turning lanes, street lighting and other traffic and pedestrian improvements.


Route 9 Downtown Improvements Project Timeline Graphic



Budget breakdown

  • Estimated total project cost: $8,342,663
  • Grant funding awarded:
    • Missouri Surface Transportation Block Grant $3.2 million (construction only)
    • Governor’s Transportation Cost Share $1,787,950 (construction only)
    • Platte County $500,000 (engineering and design)
  • Construction estimate: $4,063,496
  • Additional cost estimates: $1,791,334
  • Contingency: $1,099,096
  • Engineering and design estimate: $1,388,737
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