Parkville Missouri

Ballot Questions – November 2023


On November 7, Parkville residents were asked to vote on two propositions – Proposition T for a use tax and Proposition M for a marijuana tax. Both propositions passed.

Proposition T  |  Proposition M


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Fall Newsletter Insert

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Proposition T – Trails & Transportation

Ballot Language:

For the purpose of funding roads, infrastructure and capital projects, including, without limitation, capital grant related projects requiring City of Parkville matching funds, including 9 Highway at East Street (triangle), future phases of 9 Highway (between 6th Street and Lakeview Drive) and the Bell Road connectivity project for sidewalks; and funding for the construction, maintenance, and repair of, and improvements to, pedestrian corridors, multi-use trails, and recreation trails, shall the City of Parkville, Missouri, impose a local use tax at the same rate as the total local City sales tax rate, currently two and one-half percent (2.50%), provided that if the local sales tax rate is reduced or raised by voter approval, the local use tax rate shall also be reduced or raised by the same action?

Click on the images to view the document.Click on the images to view the document.

General Questions


Proposition M – Marijuana Tax

Ballot Language:

Shall the City of Parkville, Missouri impose a city sales tax of three percent (3%) on the sales of adult use marijuana sold at retail?

Click on the image to view the document.

General Questions

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