The Community Development Department ensures that all construction complies with adopted codes and is safe for the residents and visitors of Parkville. Building inspection ensures the safety of citizens through inspection of construction activities. The inspectors work closely with the community and work diligently to provide timely inspections and to keep the building community informed of changes in codes, policies and procedures. The Department also assists builders in the permit application process.
Items to note:
- In January 2020, the City adopted the 2018 International Family of Building Codes and designated appendices via Ordinance No. 3027 (external link).
- In August 2024, the City adopted new Architectural Design Standards via Ordinance No. 3229 (external link).
- In January 2025, the City adopted new Site and Landscape Design Standards via Ordinance No. 3246 (external link).
- Fees for the permits listed below are outlined in the Schedule of Fees (PDF link).
Certain development applications require approval of the Planning & Zoning Commission. The following document provides deadlines for development applications that require Commission approval.
2025 Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings and Deadlines (PDF link)
The following construction guidelines have been provided to assist contractors and property owners through the permit and construction process. These guidelines provide information about applying for a permit, required inspections, common code requirements, and building code amendments.
- Residential Construction Guidelines (PDF link)
- Commercial Construction Guidelines (PDF link)
- Residential Decks (PDF link)
Residential building permit fees have been adopted from the 2018 International Residential Code and the 1997 Unified Building Code and are included in the Residential Construction Guidelines (PDF link). Commercial building permits fees have been adopted from the 1997 Unified Building Code and are included in the Commercial Construction Guidelines (PDF link).
Other permit fees may be found in the adopted Schedule of Fees (PDF link).
Permit applications are required to apply for a building permit. Please submit the permit application and any other required plans or documents to the Community Development Department at City Hall. A list of other documents required for a building permit may be found in the construction guidelines.
- Permit Application (PDF link)
- Affidavit & Acknowledgement of Existing Infrastructure Conditions & Repair Requirements (PDF link)
- Residential Permit applications may be submitted electronically to Nathan Noland.
- Commercial Permit applications may be submitted electronically to Ed Gault.
- Note: Building permits will not be issued unless a contractor and/or subcontractor has a current Parkville business license. Visit to find out more about licensing your business.
Temporary Occupancy
A temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued by the Building Official for structures that meet all life safety requirements, but are not completely finished. The application must be completed and submitted with the final inspection to the Community Development Department at City Hall.
- Application (PDF link)
The City’s Community Development Department reviews proposals for construction and development for compliance with adopted City plans. Many of these proposals and associated applications are reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission, while variances from the Zoning Code are considered by the Board of Zoning Adjustment.
The permits below are PDF links.
- Appeal of Administrative Decision
- Conditional Use Permit
- Easement Vacation
- Final Development Plan
- Major Site Plan
- Minor Site Plan
- Planned District Development
- Preliminary Development Plan
- Protest Petition – Rezoning
- Subdivision – Administrative Plat
- Subdivision – Preliminary Plat
- Subdivision – Final Plat
- Subdivision Waiver
- Tax Increment Financing
- Text Amendment
- Vacation (Street, Public Park, Alley, etc.)
- Variance
- Voluntary Annexation Petition
- Zoning Map Amendment
The City’s sign regulations are found in Chapter 409 of the Parkville Municipal Code. All new signs and replacement of existing signs require a sign permit demonstrating compliance with these sign standards, unless exempt from a permit by Section 409.020 (external link). Ordinary maintenance, care or repair of existing signs or change of copy without altering the essential construction elements of an existing sign does not require a permit for zoning and design standards, but any electrical or building code issues may require permitting. Applications for Sign Permit may be submitted via email to Brad Stanton, Planner.
- Sign Permit Application (PDF link)
- Temporary Sign Permit (PDF link)
Parkville Municipal Code Section 405.040, Subsection K provides guidelines for short-term residential dwelling rentals in residential districts.
Community Development Staff
Director: Stephen Lachky
Planner: Brad Stanton
Building Official: Ed Gault
Building Inspector: Nathan Noland
Code Enforcement/Permit Technician: Natalie Page
If you have any questions, please call (816) 741-9313.